Monday, May 14, 2012

Step 1- Identify the Issue

I arrived in France to start my intensive one year MBA program on Sept 23, 2011.  I met my soulmate 11 days later.  And since then, it's been a rollercoaster.  But we have decided to stay in Europe after graduation.

How did I let myself get in so deep that quickly? No idea. But I do know that I've never been so confused (or happy) in my entire life. 

So how do you keep a balance with your old American life and successfully make a new one in Europe?  How can I transfer my culture, my music, my cooking style-unhealthy of course, and my love of cars over public transportation into a European household?  And how can I keep in touch with my family and friends that are 6 hours behind effectively and often enough?  Skype just isn't enough.

Just a few questions that I'll be pondering over the next few weeks/months/years. Getting through the MBA in the next 5 months is the easy part, but then real life starts!