Thursday, August 30, 2012

Step 2-Make it happen

I will be officially graduated in 22 days. Oh my god.

I am SOOOO not ready for this! I still need a job. And a place to live. And to learn German. And to make new friends in Munich. And a visa. And  health insurance. Let me tell you, moving 4000 miles away is not an easy thing to do!

But on the plus side, I'll have my MBA, a real degree that offers possibilities (no offense IU Political Science)! And a great man that loves me and wants to keep me. And plenty of free time initially to start learning German (or plan Greek island adventures).

This summer has been kind of a let down after the course in Cergy. Cape Town was lovely of course, but really it all feels as though I'll be starting an entire new chapter of my life in just a short time. In 22 days, I won't be a student anymore. I'll be an adult. It's no longer going to be appropriate to act like a college student and be forgetful and procrastinate with things. It's time to grow up and start doing adult things, like buying a house, and professional clothes. I should be spending money on organic foods instead of wine and chocolate. And working out and flossing more regularly. In 22 days, it becomes real.

I can't wait!