Thursday, October 4, 2012

Step 3: Start over again

Well it all finally happened!
I FINALLY Graduated with my MBA!!! It was an insanely long year of tests and cases and teamwork with my fellow classmates. I travelled 75,000 miles in 12 months to four continents and 11 countries. I spent 5 weeks in Singapore gaining an understanding of the Asian mindset and work ethic. I paid 200 Euros under the table to obtain a Russian visa for a week where we saw how their 'business model' worked. I froze in Cape Town while doing a hands on consulting project for a winery and experiencing some of the world's most breathtaking scenery. And of course I met tons of amazing people along the way.

My IIP team finished our project and had our final presentation on the morning of graduation and then that evening we all walked across the stage.  I know that having a graduation at this age and obtaining a master's isn't nearly exciting to some, but for me, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. When I arrived to Paris in September last year with 3 suitcases and a laptop, I didn't know a single person within a thousand miles. I said goodbye to my entire family, to my friends, to a boy, to a job, to a city that I had lived in for over 20 years and left. I completely started over.  And here I am, 1 year later, doing it again.  Only this time, I have an amazing person by my side.

I moved to Munich 10 days ago and so far I can say I love it. While Oktoberfest is clearly the best time of the year for the city, it hosts many great people and places.  And I'm so looking forward to learning German and getting to know many people here and getting involved in the local community.

Now if only I can figure out how to stay skinny in the land of brezen and bratwurst...