Thursday, September 12, 2013

It was actually sunny in London!? Wait, no it did rain for an hour.

Hoxton and Columbia Road Area
Oh Wow, I'm terrible at keeping this thing updated.  Ok, so let's get a quick recap of my lovely London weekend with the lovely Dina Marie then at the beginning of August!  

Must Have London Pic!
I arrived super late at night by the time I took the train into downtown from Gatwick.  DM picked me up at 12:30 and we started wandering the streets to find food (we both had skipped dinner to look our Pitta girl skinniest, of course).  The thing I never realized about the Brits, is that they're a bunch of alcoholics! I thought the Americans and the Germans both drank a ton, but I'm clearly wrong. There were tons of people, on every corner, out front of every bar, just pissed (thats how the Brits say drunk).  It was like Broad Ripple combined with State Street in Madison, Kirkwood in Btown and Rush and Division in Chicago x10. 
Dinner at Brawn with Elderflower drinks! YUM!

So we're just wandering through the streets unsuccessfully trying to find a cute pub that is still serving food at 1am. Finally, we spotted a cute little French cafe. Sat and had drinks and lovely snacks and chatted til 3am.  We took the bus (filled with drunken brits) back to her place and crashed out.  

Columbia Road Flower Market! It took 10 minutes to go 100 feet.
She lived in this really cute area of London that was kind of hipster-ish-Hoxton.  So since I had already been to London and done most of the touristy things we spend all day Saturday walking around her neighborhood. We found this cute cafe with mimosas and yummy brunch.  We shopped at some really cute boutiques. I started getting wedding ideas and looking for colors.  And of course, found a pub for fish and chips! Yum!  Shopped some more. Then we had a late dinner at Brawn.  Which was really amazing food and yummy Elderflower cocktails. We started with The Light club with her friends and then the night was crazy from there, which concluded with all of us shotgunning at 4am in the park. Typical Brits :)
Going to miss her!
Sunday there's a huge flower market behind DM's place, on Columbia Road, so we wandered and got lost. It's really beautiful and smelled so good. There was every type of flower possible and everything was about 5 Pounds for a big bunch. Not too shabby. Then we went to Russell Square to have a picnic in the park.  It started raining midway through. So then we headed to the nearby bowling alley for a few games before I caught my flight home!
Wasn't too hectic of a weekend. Just lots of family time and chatting! But sadly, DM has just moved back to the states, so I'm alone in Europe once again. Visitors are welcome anytime!
