Thursday, November 15, 2012

German Observations

Just some random things that I've noticed so far:

It is not uncommon for kids under the age of 10 to wander around the streets after 11pm alone in this extremely safe city.

There is a KFC flagship here that has a 2 story parking garage attached. Just because the Germans have a thing for chicken :)

Germans follow the rules. Unconditionally. ALL THE TIME!  They NEVER jay-walk, they always buy train tickets-even though I've been checked one time in the entire month+ I've been here. They have insurance to cover everything-cars, health, bike, home, property, life insurance, animals, liabilities, etc!

They aren't particularly religious here (except about Soccer) but NOTHING is open on Sunday. And all the stores close at 8pm every other night.

You can drink alcohol anywhere; public transport, at the library, on the street. I think it's actually encouraged.

I think that Germans have a rep throughout Europe as being unfriendly. But I haven't seen ANY of that yet! Besides, all the people I've met so far have been very welcoming, interested in hearing about my far away land and get really excited when I tell them that we used to have an F1 race in my city :)

Now if I can just find a job that will allow me to speak English, I'll save everyone's ears from something disastrous!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Isn't there an election happening soon?

As a political science major I am deeply disappointed that I'll be overseas and missing the election-day chaos over here. And while I already sent my probably useless blue shaded absentee ballot to the red state of Indiana weeks ago, I'm sad that I will not be able to vote in person and get a sticker.

BUT, I will be staying up ALL night tomorrow watching Wolf, James, John and Anderson on CNN Intl and eating homemade blue colored cupcakes :) At least if the wrong outcome ensues then I can take comfort in the fact that I'll be in the EU the next few years and still have a shot at health insurance!

Just one more thing that needs to be transported around the globe. So far the biggest holidays/events that I've missed having friends and family to celebrate with are: St. Patrick's Day, the Indy 500, Halloween, my brother's graduation, a good-friend's wedding, July 4th, Election day and my birthday. It's just impossible to book a $1200 ticket for every event!

Perhaps it's time for a low cost airline that just does the short puddle jump?