Monday, November 5, 2012

Isn't there an election happening soon?

As a political science major I am deeply disappointed that I'll be overseas and missing the election-day chaos over here. And while I already sent my probably useless blue shaded absentee ballot to the red state of Indiana weeks ago, I'm sad that I will not be able to vote in person and get a sticker.

BUT, I will be staying up ALL night tomorrow watching Wolf, James, John and Anderson on CNN Intl and eating homemade blue colored cupcakes :) At least if the wrong outcome ensues then I can take comfort in the fact that I'll be in the EU the next few years and still have a shot at health insurance!

Just one more thing that needs to be transported around the globe. So far the biggest holidays/events that I've missed having friends and family to celebrate with are: St. Patrick's Day, the Indy 500, Halloween, my brother's graduation, a good-friend's wedding, July 4th, Election day and my birthday. It's just impossible to book a $1200 ticket for every event!

Perhaps it's time for a low cost airline that just does the short puddle jump?


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