Friday, June 14, 2013

Zurich for the weekend? Sure, why not!

Amazing Sunset over Lake Zurich
Hi All!!

One of the best things about Munich is its close proximity to at least 6 different countries within a few hours. And since we're very fortunate to have lovely friends living in many of these countries it's easy to go and visit for a weekend! Last weekend we decided to go to Zurich in Switzerland and visit our lovely friend Klaus (a fellow MBA)!

Excited for our Adventures in Zurich!
We went to Zurich on Friday afternoon and it didn't take us long to get there as we passed from Germany to Austria in less than 2 hours and after another 10 miles we made it to
Switzerland, which was an automatic change in scenary. Switzerland is not in the European Union and Lesley (being a slightly forgetful person) completely had forgotten her passport. But thankfully our car wasn't stopped at the border! And after all those years of hearing about the Swiss being peaceful and a tax haven for rich people, it was all really true! The first thing noticed upon arrival into Switzerland was 1) That every person was driving a $100k (or more) car, and 2) They all followed to speed limit to a T! Tons of rich old dudes driving their Ferrari's, Aston Martin's and Lambo's at 120 km (65 mph). It was seriously insane how expensive everything was in Zurich and really, just how rediculously rich the people that live there are!

Sergei "Shopping" for cars :)
But thankfully, we stayed for free! We met up with Klaus on Friday and just wandered around Lake Zurich and the river. It was very clean (even swimable) with a gorgeous view on the Alps. Had dinner at this cute cafe by the river and were treated to the local culture. Which on a Friday night means that everyone under the age of 25 gets together with their friends and picnics on the park that runs along the Lake downtown.

Company at lunch
On Saturday, after getting up early and figuring out the public transportation system, we took the tram all the way up to (what we thought) was the Üetliberg mountain, but as it turned out there was a further 2 km hike at 60 degrees up to the summit and we weren't dressed for such an occasion, so that was the 1st time we failed at reaching the mountain overlooking all of Zurich.

Sailing on the lake!
We ended up having an amazing Saturday though, walking through the old town city with plenty of churches and tiny cobbled alleyways. We had a lovely lunch at the lake, joining the local kids and tourists. It was quite an adventure though to defend our food against the swans who came pretty close and wanted their share of whatever was there on the "table". They almost took off Lesley's foot!

After lunch, since it was such an amazing day, we took a short 1.5 hrs cruise on the lake with lots of other tourists. It was beautiful, sitting in the back of the boat, the sun burning down on us, chilling with a cold drink and enjoying the view on Zurich.

Feeling Cold yet?!
And of course the shopping there was AMAZING. But since neither of us wanted to become instantly destitute we settled for some Swiss Laderach chocolate. But it was pretty damn amazing, plus the guy making it gave us some almonds :)

Probably the best (for sure the coldest) moment, was when Sergei dove off a bridge and into the river. It may have been his wish to feel young and crazy again, or the combination of 2 drinks and the sun, or simply the pure joy of finally having some sun at all in Europe, which made him make the 'smart' decision to dive into the water, but whatever it was, the idea turned out to be not as good as it seemed at first, as the water was reaaaaaaally cold. But it was hilarious to watch!

Saturday night we enjoyed a home cooked dinner on Klaus' patio, watched a thunderstorm go thru Zurich and chatted with our wonderful friend Klaus until all of us passed out after a long day in the sun. No, we did not go out on a Saturday night, and yes, we are getting old.

View from the top of Üetliberg
Sunday morning after sleeping in and enjoying a lovely breakfast on the patio we went to the two highest points of Zurich - the Zuriberg with the FIFA headquarters (for all our American friends: That's the world soccer association)and we finally also made it to the top of Üetliberg (after failing to reach the top the day before).  Unfortunately, FIFA was closed but we still walked around the park, stole a few pictures and got to see where the huge zoo was.
Amazing Scenery
But after that we still really wanted to go to Üetliberg. So we all parked and then the boys had to coerce Lesley to hike/walk/climb stairs up to the summit. But once we FINALLY made it, it was completely worth it and we all enjoyed a phenomenal view on downtown Zurich and the lake.

More to come this summer from our planned adventures in: Sicily, London and even Kyrgyzstan!

~Sergei and Lesley

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